Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Illustration Friday: Fresh.

This week's Illustration Friday - Fresh.

Originally uploaded by incurable_hippie.
Fresh flower.

Technorati tags: ; ; ; .


Anonymous said...

WOW beautiful!!! Fresh :)

isay said...

i love the color the close view of the flower-very nice

Anonymous said...

Is this a carnation? Looking closer (I don't love Flickr) I could see the texture of canvas :)

Anonymous said...

isay - thank you so much :)

anonymous - yep, canvas texture is from my early explorations of 'gimp'. the original pic, without canvas and such is at this page.

Anonymous said...

BLAH you sent me to Flickr!! I can see why it was a prize winning flower - I also enjoyed viewing the vegetables (except for the Flickr part).