Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas: done. Boxing Day: almost.

I spent a nice, chilled Christmas with Z and her insane cat...

We made a roast meal, we played with paper and glue, we listened to a lot of radio and music, we laughed a lot, I cried a bit, and we gave and received cool gifts.

We also got matching socks :D

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The Humanity Critic said...

Happy Holidays!!

mcbeth said...


LOVE the cat picture (though I'm wise enough not to put my finger too close to my monitor, just in case that fee-rocious set of choppers clamps down tight!)

And the matching socks - Fabulous! KD and I each also got a pair of (matching) ooh-so-delightful soft socks from a friend. What could be better?!

Happy holidays to you and each of yours, Hippie.

Anonymous said...

Glad you like the pic, hehe :->

She's normally very cute, but that particular yawn was rather alarming, I have to say. Glad I snapped it for posterity...

Glad you got matching socks too - I'm sure only the coolest people get matching socks!