Sunday, December 18, 2005

Enquiring Minds Want to Know.

Yorkshire lass talks well about why she, as a survivor of the London bombs in July, wants and needs a Public Inquiry into what happened, and how she feels about the Government refusing to do one.
Rachel says,
Reasons why you might want to demand an independent public enquiry...
You use public transport, and you want to know if anything could be learned to make your journeys safer in future.
You were involved on July 7th and you have useful feedback about the response to the bombings and the aftermath to share.
You think the Government are hiding something.
You don't think the Government are hiding anything, and it would be good to get that in the open and refute the naysayers .
You are fed up with conspiracy theories.
You have heard conspiracy theories and you'd like to see them answered.
It was the biggest terror attack we've had on our soil, 52 people were killed, and it was 4 British 4 men who did it, so you think that should be investigated in public.
You want to know more about how 4 young British men became suicide bombers.
You think that as the public were attacked, and continue to be targets, answering their questions publicly seems fair and is the right thing to do
You are not sure whether answers will come out of it, or anything will change, but you'd like to try and think that is the democratic thing to do.
You were against the war in Iraq and you think the Government are trying to avoid the spectre being raised that Iraq upped the risk of the UK being attacked.
You supported the war in Iraq and you'd like to prove that had nothing to do with July 7th.
You feel that if survivors and bereaved are asking for it, you'd like to support their request
You have questions that remain unanswered.
You have other reasons - or want to state your thoughts in the comments box below...

If you also think that there should be an Inquiry into the 7th July bombings, sign here.

I actually can't think of a reason not to have an Inquiry... :-/

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Anonymous said...

Not boring at all, it's a good point. Cheers :)

Miss you lots!