Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spring Clean of Hippie blog

I have spent the last few hours spring cleaning. Not the house, though God knows it needs it. Nope, hippie blog.

The blog links are all up to date, and the numerous which no longer exist or which have moved or which require password access are moved down to the now huge 'Quiet Just Now' section on the right.

The bottom of the blog is also seriously trimmed. Out of date rings, links which lead to different places now than when I first added them, and unnecessaries were removed.

The 'Sites I Like' section hasn't yet been done, but you have to start somewhere.


thermalsatsuma said...

You still have the longest and most interesting list of links and sidebar items out of all of the blogs I read!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I'm a bit of a hoarder that way!!

Anais Nin said...

I find so many interesting things when I go through your link list!! I don't know how you have the time to find all of them!