Sunday, March 06, 2011

Finding RSS Feed Links in New Twitter.

I've been trying to add some twitter things to my google reader today, and finding the RSS feeds for things is suddenly a lot harder, with new twitter.

So, for anyone else wondering, here's what I've got.

If you want to get the RSS feed for twitter search results, so you want the feed to register each new mention of a search term, you use this URL, but replace 'feminism' at the end with whatever search you want. Add that URL to your RSS reader, google reader, or whatever you use, and it should work.

The other thing I wanted was the RSS feed URLs for certain twitter accounts. These used to appear below the list of people the account was following, but not any more. Until you log out. So you have to log out, go to that person's account page, and the RSS feed link will be below the images of the people the account follows, in the right sidebar. Then, log back in and do whatever you were doing, but you have the feed URL now.

Hope that helps someone out! It's been frustrating.


Sneb said...

Thank you! What the heck, being logged in removes features.

Chris said...

It seems ridiculous that you have to log out to find a user's RSS link. However, you can use the same "search results RSS" to follow an individual account:

incurable hippie said...

Thanks for that, Chris, good tip.

Matthew said...

thank you for this! I was looking for this everywhere!

Matthew said...

thank you for this! I have been struggling to figure this out.

Chris G said...

Thank you! Do you know if the RSS URLs will still work once 'old twitter' is retired?

John Kerrison said...

That is so helpful. Thank you. How would I search for more than one term?

incurable hippie said...

I don't know, I'm afraid, but I'll comment here again if I find out!

Anonymous said...

How about use "near:" , i try but it doesn't work :(

any advice?

incurable hippie said...

You added :english at the end. Without that, following the URL in the post, works fine.

Greg said...

Is there a way to RSS the feeds from a twitter account without having to receive the RTs that account may get?