Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Eyes as the Window to the Soul.

I have got conjunctivitis and blephitis. It's not nice, and it's certainly not pretty, and I'm surprised by just how ill I feel.

It's Dubya's 60th birthday. I do hope he announces his retirement shortly.

Things to read:

Zoe Williams: I Have, I'm Not Ashamed

One In Seven

Call for Investigation into Murder of Guatemalan Women

Technorati tags: ; ; ; .


thermalsatsuma said...

Get well soon, Hippie. I found that brolene eye drops helped me, when I had conjunctivitus a while ago.

Anais Nin said...

Wow, your eye looks really swollen there . Is the other one swollen too? I don't think I've ever had conjunctivitis, but I've dealt with really bad allergies all my life. When my eyes get swollen like that and start to discharge, I get a washcloth and run it under hot water. As hot as I can stand, wring it out and put it on my eyes. I can't tell you how good it feels. Also, I don't know if your eyes are itching or not, but try not to rub them, it only makes the swelling and discharge worse. Easier said than done. I know.
Take care of yourself and get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi both, thanks for nice comments.

Anais - the other is swollen too but not as badly - they are both a lot better than they were a few days ago. I have antibiotic eye drops that I'm using, but I've been putting cold wet flannels on my eyes - I'll try warm too, thanks!

I'm really trying to not rub them, but it's hard!!


Anonymous said...

Send GWB your face towel for his birthday, then he can share the pain.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Nella, conjunctivitis is apparently very contagious!!

Cheers for the evil grin!

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