Showing posts with label Tony Blair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Blair. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Taking Liberties

I have just watched the film Taking Liberties, which you can see for free at If you haven't seen it yet, then you really, really must.

"Right to Protest, Right to Freedom of Speech. Right to Privacy. Right not to be detained without charge, Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Prohibition from Torture. TAKING LIBERTIES will reveal how these six central pillars of liberty have been systematically destroyed by New Labour, and the freedoms of the British people stolen from under their noses amidst a climate of fear created by the media and government itself."

It features Walter Wolfgang (the 83 year old man who was arrested under the terrorism act for shouting, 'Nonsense!' at the Labour Party Conference), Brian Haw, Mark Thomas, Maya and Milan, Sylvia and Helen, Mouloud Sihali, Shami Chakrabarti, and many, many more inspiring people who protest loudly against the shocking and frightening attacks on our civil liberties in the name of anti-terrorism.

There are very apt archive clips brilliantly juxtaposed with people speaking about the current situation in Britain, and perfectly chosen music.

The official website for the film is, and perhaps most importantly, it has a fairly well-stocked What You Can Do page.

I found that the film contains stuff I already knew, but perhaps needing reminding of, as well as things I had no idea about, for instance that the prisoners held in Guantamano Bay represent just 4% of the people that America is detaining in secret all over the world.

It consolidates a lot of facts in a way that brings it all together in a comprehensive and, frankly, terrifying way.

Watch it now. Then join Liberty and Amnesty. Then protest. If you dare.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dreams and What They Mean.

A few nights ago I dreamt that I bought a pack of 3 rolls of sellotape. I needed to sellotape up an envelope so I got one roll out and cut off a long piece. It was only when I stuck it to the envelope that I realised that the tape was made up of a long row of photos of Tony Blair.

I looked at the second roll, to find that that was made up of photos of Cherie Booth. I decided this was preferable and so cut some off to cover up the Bliar pics, which I would be too embarrassed to put anywhere!

I didn't look at the third roll.

My questions to you:
1) Whose photos were covering the third roll of sellotape?
2) What the hell was the whole thing about anyway?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Last night I heard

"Breaking news, Tony Blair is not going to be charged with..."

and I was devastated. How could they have ruled out war crimes charges so early on? When there is clearly so much we will not know for a long time. You can't rule it out already.

"...any offences over the Cash for Peerages row"

and I was actually relieved! Not that he's got away with anything over Cash for Peerages, but that maybe, just maybe, one day he and Dubya will share a grotty cell for many, many years.