Thursday, July 29, 2004

Spam and Strikes, Consumer Credit and Campaigning

A BBC Breaking News Alert tells me that
The amount of money owed by UK consumers breaks through the £1 trillion barrier.
Hmmm. Scary. Most of it is mine :-S

Stephen Newton's Museum of Spam is pretty funky. The email address which posts directly to his blog is advertised on the site, and thus all the bots pick it up, and all the spam he receives is instantly published.

I don't know why I think it's such a great idea, I just do.

The Sheffield bus strike is still going on. Day 9 I believe. And no prospect of return until mid-week next week at the earliest. It's fairly tricky to negotiate certain journeys at the moment, but it's First Mainline, not the striking drivers, who are to blame... They have too much of a monopoly on the public transport, and won't share a teeny weeny slice of their profits to actually benefit the people who keep the company running day after day.

And say hello to the new and exciting Voice-Hearers Action Group.