It could be the time of year, but 100 Things About Me memes are starting to appear.
1. I've just got broadband.
2. I think Lynne Truss is great
3. and I would also support her idea for a militant wing of the Apostrophe Protection Society.
4. Zinnia's blog often makes me cry.
5. I boycott Nestle and have done for 11 years.
6. My favourite fruit is raspberry.
7. or maybe fresh lychees.
8. I smoke rollies.
9. I sent my Christmas cards late
10. but for years until this year I didn't send any at all.
11. I'm scared of the dentist.
12. and spiders.
13. I have never eaten sushi. It scares me.
14. I started using the internet in 1995
15. when I came to University.
16. I listen to an awful lot of BBC Radio 4
17. and particularly love much of the Radio 4 comedy selection.
18. I started writing this 101 Things on the 12th December 2004 and have only just remembered (13th June 2005) that I never finished or published it.
19. I never know the difference between archaeologists and architects
20. and so I tend to call them archi-diggers and archi-buildings.
21. I also get mixed up between emasculate, emancipate and emaciate.
22. I was bullied at school
23. but hardly told anyone because I was embarrassed at being bullied by girls.
24. Today I have won a rare victory over an errant bank charge.
25. This has made me rather happy as I don't think it has ever happened before.
26. I wanted to be a professional flautist
27. until a heart murmur meant I had to stop playing the flute.
28. I am really struggling to think of things to say here.
29. I got 11 As and a B in my GCSEs.
30. I actually got an A* for German, which I did a year after my main ones
31. but I rarely tell people that because it looks like I didn't get A*s in my others
32. when in fact A*s didn't exist when I took my others.
33. I did my French GCSE age 14 and got the highest mark in the school's history
34. but I was never appropriately proud of myself for that.
35. I then went on to do a BA degree in French
36. but only because I couldn't do music because of no. 27.
37. My Confirmation Name is Maria.
38. Lack of Radio 4 is something that makes me question moving back to France. I would miss it too much.
39. But in virtually every other way, I really really want to move back to France.
40. I have just signed the Moses Must Stay petition.
41. And I think you should too.
42. I love eating tinned tomatoes on toast
43. and beans on toast
44. But otherwise I hate toast.
45. I do like marmite.
46. I was vegetarian for 11 years and vegan for 10 months
47. until I got seduced by a sign for hot chicken and stuffing sandwiches
48. and I have been a (virtually) unapologetic carnivore since then.
49. The first single I ever bought was Tiffany - I think we're alone now.
50. When I wrote number 13. it was true, but now I have eaten sushi and it wasn't as scary as I had thought.
51. I start lots of things but am crap at sticking to them.
52. and I hate that in myself. It makes me start to be scared of starting anything.
53. I hate lots of things in myself, but I like some too.
54. I want to start doing real-life volunteering again
55. though I'm not sure what I would want to do.
56. One of my hamsters was the star of a magazine a few weeks ago. He doesn't know this.
57. I am 28 years old.
58. Whenever I smell cut grass it makes me think of exam time.
59. I love the smell of sawdust.
60. I cannot bear bananas - eating, smelling or thinking about them.
61. I firmly believe that summer is the best time of the year for fruit, and eat as many raspberries as I can for the short period they're around and tasty for, without costing £way too much.
62. At the time, I felt guilty that I couldn't (single-handedly) stop the war in Iraq from starting.
63. I even considered going to Baghdad to be a human shield
64. and I still feel slightly guilty that I didn't.
65. I sometimes spend more time messing about with the template of this blog than I do posting in it.
66. It is almost 10 months since I started writing this list!
67. My dad has cancer, which terrifies me.
68. I am scared of my mobile phone.
69. I started reading the latest Harry Potter book this afternoon. It came out a month and a half ago.
70. I love, adore and worship Beethoven. Well, his music at least. He was a bit of a bastard.
71. Last time I went to the cinema I saw Planet of the Apes. It was dreadfully dull.
72. But it was on September 11th 2001. That meant I didn't complain too much about my wasted £3.
73. I only actually went as a favour for someone else, who had organised the trip and was upset that noone was going.
74. I came out as a lesbian when I was 19. Best thing I ever did.
75. Being sick terrifies me.
76. I drink an awful lot of Pepsi Max.
77. I kind of believe in karma, though I know I don't understand the true Buddhist meaning of it entirely. I just think it happens.
78. My three favourite films of all time are Amadeus, The Sound of Music and Shine.
79. I like coding html because it makes sense and has an order that not much else in life does.
80. I had a Quorn Minted Lamb Burger for lunch and it was really, really tasty.
81. I regret not buying the spinach that was drastically reduced in price yesterday.
82. The broccoli was good though.
83. I really like fresh vegetables. Except turnips, and of course sprouts (the Brussels variety.. beansprouts are lovely).
84. I used to make amazing soups.
85. My steamer is my kitchen gadget of choice at the moment.
86. I laugh a lot at the radio when I'm taking things too literally and they're using odd metaphors.
87. I used to prefer Just a Minute but now I prefer I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue.
88. I am a huge stand-up fan.
89. I don't know if I have repeated things in this endless list
90. and I'm slightly past caring.
91. I talk nonsense in my sleep
92. and apparently announced last night that I was falling out of a trolley in Safeway.
93. I consider myself to be a Recovering Catholic. It never quite goes away.
94. I have had periods of being very religious, and others of devout atheism.
95. I also spent a while at an Evangelical Church, but they were very scary.
96. I have been to Lourdes twice.
97. I used to live in Aix-en-Provence, which was an incredibly beautiful and sunny place.
98. There has only been one year in the last eleven that I haven't been taking psychiatric medication. That was when I was in Aix.
99. I try to walk 5000 steps a day, and to my surprise I frequently manage it.
100. I am really glad to have finished this list.
Technorati tags: 100 things; incurable_hippie; blog.
The election in Greenland
1 hour ago
Lovely to find another Radio 4 addict below the age of 30... there don't seem at be many of us! I can't get out of bed without the Today programme. And I also got an A* at GCSE German, and because it was the first year A*s existed I was impressed :-) And I've always wanted to visit Lourdes...
excellent list, I started listening to radio4 when I was 18 or so, I think I learnt more from it than anything else. My son now 18 is following in my footsteps. Love your blog - but your side bar is a bit screwy in my firefox
You'll need to go careful with that emasculate etc confusion.
And I'm with you on growing to like ISIHAC over Just a Minute. Though it's a close run thing. The latter was at its height when Kenneth Williams, Clement Freud, Derek Nimmo and Peter Jones were the regulars.
I spent most of last year abroad and missed Radio 4 like a family member.
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