This is my submission for this week's Illustration Friday, the theme of which is Lost.
It is a collage of a large question mark, on which are layers of an old Sheffield A to Z map, and pages torn from a notebook made from obselete maps.
The background paper is Japanese (?) text, interspersed with various European and UK place names in English.
I thought these displayed confusion over place - my understanding (for this project) of lost - quite well.
(More Hippie images).
Following on from this post,
Switch off the TV and get on your bike, Blunkett tells long-term sick:
The work and pensions secretary, David Blunkett, today urged hundreds of thousands of people on incapacity benefit to stop watching daytime TV and start looking for work.
Speaking ahead of a press conference today on the government's principles for reform the welfare state, Mr Blunkett risked provoking further anger from Labour's backbenchers over his already controversial plans to overhaul incapacity benefit.(more...).
Technorati tags: Illustration Friday; lost; incurable_hippie; lost; collage; disability benefits.
That's an excellent illustration Hippie.
Hi Incurable Hippy,
I read your post on Uksurvivors and just wanted to say that as a MH service user looking for work and not on benefits - yeah read back - I'm acutely aware that Blunkett's line about encouraging independence is bulshit as if the system cant get me a full time job when I'm pressing it to do that to keep me out of poverty I'm fucking sure it cant get jobs for hundreds of thousands of other disabled people who are less able to cope. I mailed the Guardian today to make this point but of course I didnt trigger any middle class panic so there was no interest. 2 years ago I accepted a job to help other service users get jobs, originally it was helping people aquire IT skills but I was I was instructed to vacate the building in 15 minutes after I complained about the reckless endangerment of my students benefits through some snake oil scheme sponsored by the DWP . I am all for work for those who want it but I wont fuck someone in the arse just to trigger some DWP payment.
This is what Blunkett is pushing.
On Uksurvivors I published account of my dealings with Status Employment,the kind of service people can expect from Blunkett's new deal. Status have no jobs at all in their online job search facility , they have had zero response from an appeal for employers to get in touch made in 2004 and the forum of the site claims 31 members but has only had 12 posts since 2003.
This organisation is sponsored by NDDP, the DWP, Croydon Council , the South London & Maudsley NHS MH Trust and clearly none of these have audited this crap organisation.
I am sure this is the norm and that Blunkett's bulshit , presented as a fait accompli, is based on self presented stats from organisations like this one.
i am extremely angry about MIMHE and cunts from other MH charities cashing in on this, angry enough to use the C word without fear of tank girl licking my head in.
I think there is a need for a national campaign but this crap needs to be exposed locally too.
The Golem
Very interesting variation on lost - lost for words, lost in space and lost context all coming through!
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