Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hands Off Our Homes!

Six years ago I was looking for somewhere to live, as I was had got to the end of the contract for my student house. On buses and various other places around Sheffield there were ads for their social housing, advertising the fact that there were lower rents and no bonds to pay. This all appealed to me and I applied and a few weeks later moved into a council flat.

I was living somewhere bigger, and cheaper, than I ever could have with private renting, and not having to give anyone a £severalhundred bond was very helpful during this period, as I had no income at all.

I had thought that there were rules as to who could and couldn't get council properties, but discovered that mostly this was true. I also learned that Sheffield was one of the few places in the country which had more council properties than they needed. I thought (and still think) that this is a great state of affairs, and it means that it is available and accessible to people quickly, as it was for me.

Of course, there were areas it was more difficult to get into, which required long waiting times, but the availability of others in other, maybe less desirable, areas was positive.

And then at some point, council housing estates started being demolished. Some were in very bad disrepair, and others were not popular. Others needed money spending on them that wasn't available, and others because there were a lot of social problems.

I lived on Park Hill, and neighbours just down the road in the Claywood Flats were told that they all had to move out of their homes because the flats (tower blocks) were being demolished. Many of the tenants did not want to have to move, but there was no choice.

A few years later, it was announced (in the newspaper!) that Park Hill flats were going to be sold to developers and then private buyers, private business and a housing association. There was a lot of anger amongst residents because we found out the news from the local paper, we had not been consulted (although the tenants association had been), and all of a sudden it was a done deal.

In any case, the clearance started and I, among thousands of others, have moved away. But finding a new property - even with the extra priority points I was awarded because of being part of a compulsory clearance - was really, really difficult. It was becoming clear that many council properties were being demolished or sold, and they just weren't being replaced.

Claywood Flats had been demolished, as had Norfolk Park (including 15 tower blocks), and Park Hill and Skye Edge flats were being cleared. St George's flats were being demolished too, and somewhere around that point was when I lost track.

So I was interested to hear that on today's Thinking Allowed, which I was listening to earlier, they were talking about high rise flats in Sheffield and, more specifically, their demolition. It was focussed on the Norfolk Park area of the city.

Between 1963 and 1966, after slum clearance, 15 tower blocks, several hundred maisonettes and several hundred terraced houses were built. Homes for 9000 people were built in 3 years, and they were very popular, modern and desirable, with huge waiting lists for new tenants.

However, as time went on problems began to emerge, as a result of bad maintenance, problems with the original building, changes in how the Housing Benefit system worked, and huge problems within the local economy due to the demise of the steel industry.

In the 90s, the demolition of all 15 tower blocks, and most of the other properties began. The newly built tram system had just come into operation before the demolition and clearance process started, so their stops for the area were hugely underused. It was only four and a half years after the demolition that the first of the new properties were built, and the big, big delay in rebuilding has caused problems.

People who were determined to come back to Norfolk Park when it was rebuilt are not actually doing so, as they have lived in their supposedly-interim areas for so long now that they are quite settled, so instead of reuniting the local communities, as the properties are built, a whole new population will be moving in. A lot of shops are boarded up. And as the new properties are mainly either privately owned or run by a Housing Association, rents are higher and the tenancy agreements are less secure.

Listening to this programme this afternoon really got me thinking again about the whole situation. Sheffield has gone from having an excess of Council Housing, to having huge waiting lists and difficulty getting in to even quite unpopular areas. Communities are being broken up, and tenants feel like promises are being broken, and big decisions are being made which might not be the correct ones.

Photos of Park Hill Flats, Sheffield

Photos of Demolition of Claywood Flats, Sheffield, by 'nibbler'

Photos of Demolition of St George's Flats, Sheffield

Defend Council Housing


And hippie blog has bypassed 15,000 visitors :D

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Strawberry Sickness.

Do You Remember That Time Strawberry Ice Cream Made You Sick is a summary of a research study in which it was found that when psychologists implant memories of having been sick after strawberry ice-cream as a child made people less likely to want to eat strawberry ice cream. This is presented as a potentially great dieting tool.

I commented and said the following:
I'm really, really wary of this idea. As a child I developed emetophobia severe enough that I eventually stopped eating at all, as that seemed the most effective way to never be sick. This led to secondary anorexia, which then became the primary problem.

Nowadays I still utterly fear being sick, but unlike then it doesn't rule my life. I generally eat what I want to, go where I want to, see who I want to, without having to plan it all around likeliness of sickness.

But for several years, terror at the thought of being sick meant that I was petrified of a lot of food, especially any which had any association with sickness (something I'd eaten before being sick, something I'd read about causing food poisoning, something I ate before seeing someone who looked pale or ill, something I'd eaten without being close enough to a toilet in case I was going to be sick, you see the theme...). So for a long time I ate virtually nothing.

This was a totally miserable period of my life, and I don't think weight loss is important enough to try and deliberately induce these feelings and fears in people. It seems an irresponsible way of practicing.

I really feel this strongly. It brought me so, so much misery when I was younger - and still does in fact, but generally in a more manageable way. But if I ever, god forbid, am sick, I get totally terrified. I can't help but think inducing this in someone to help them lose weight, could be really damaging.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Just Imagine... (1)

These people...

They send you freepost envelopes, they send you pages and pages of drivel... What else to do, than a bit of honest collage...

'Imagine Finance are no friends of mine'

'Just imagine how your home may be repossessed'

'Thousands of our customers can not keep up repayments'

'Please hesitate before securing debts against your home'

'Imagine inconvenient payments'

continued... imagine finance part 2
Freedom Finance 2
Freedom Finance 1

Just Imagine... (2)

And then they give you all the space on the back of the envelope to play with too..

'Imagine a better life without debts'

'No ifs, no buts. Contact a debt counsellor now!'

'I would certainly not do business with your company'.

Imagine Finance Part 1
Freedom Finance 2
Freedom Finance 1

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Intermittent Chocolate God Everybody Gay Fly Moon Sunshine.

My blog recommendations for the day:

- NonCompliance - Mcbeth does an incredible mix of photos and words. She is insightful and immensely perceptive, and writes with an unparalleled eloquence (of the type that makes me use phrases such as unparalleled eloquence...). Quote, "Now this one, she's something. Really something. You probably already know this, but the cherishable ones, I think, are the ones who don't think they are. Hidden gems. It's not my job to make someone see their worth, but I sure can see it if it's there, and when it is there - oh my yes. The eyes, the smile - oh my yes. Now I'm beginning to understand what it is that you must be seeing in beatific winsome glances. I kissed her, you know. It was just a soft kiss on her cheek, but I meant six years worth of please let me catch up in that kiss. I called her while driving home, to tell her that I intended not to aim for her cheek the next time. She laughed and blushed across the telephone lines and though I was mystified how I possibly could find the courage within myself to follow through, I think about her eyes, her smile - oh my yes. So I am learning what you also have had to learn, that I can aim with delightful accuracy the next time."

- Chocolate and Zucchini is as close to eating as you can get without actually eating. You will taste, smell and crave with every line you read. Quote, "Softshell crabs are crabs that have newly molted, so they are still small, and their shell is still, well, soft, so the whole thing can be eaten (and don't you oh-poor-adolescent-crab me). This dish had so many of my trigger ingredients that I simply couldn't pass it (Crab, avocado, lime and ginger? Dish! Will you marry me?) and it was indeed just what I'd hoped, a great combination of tastes and textures, very refreshing."

- GodSpeak - listen to God's weekly message to the world here. Am I allowed to make a stupid pun about a God Podcast being a Godcast?? But fun, anyway. Quote, "In other news, Britney Spears grew up. Get used to it, people [...] Anybody who went to see Star Wars today instead of going to Church is a lame-assed bastard. You won't go to hell for it, but I gotta tell you, I'm irked."

My animation, vid, song recommendations for the day:

- Everybody Dance Now - a lad who often finds his roommate dancing madly to 80s/90s dance music sets up a webcam in the room. The results are surprisingly good!

- GayBar: Bush and Blair Mix - you may have seen the original Gay Bar animation, but this Bush / Blair adaptation is very funny, with good lip synching.

- Fly Guy is an interactive animation which is clever, subtle, cute and quite relaxing and fun.

- We Like Tha Moon is an oldie but a goodie.

and Bring Me Sunshine just makes me smile. Good old Eric and Ernie.

(Many more here).

And finally... See, see! Hippie google logo. Fun!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Imagining my Day, Living my Day, and Imagining an Imagining.

Today was supposed to go like this:
Go into town on the bus, go to Post Office to collect money and pay bills. Then go to bank to pay more bills, get some food in, and then see social worker. Then home.

Today actually went like this:
Go into town on the tram, go to the Post Office who tell me that they can't do my money, but they don't know who should be doing it. Go to JobCentre Plus to find out which Post Office I need to go to, and after being directed to a phone on the wall, listen to a phone ring for 25 minutes then give up before anyone answers. Ring an outside line and call the switchboard, who put me through in a matter of seconds. Find out that I need to go to a Post Office miles away. Cry.

Go to bus stop to get to appointment with social worker. Wait 35 minutes for a bus that should come every 6-7, eventually give in and phone and cancel when 20 minutes into appointment time and still no buses.

Decide to try and find the Post Office miles away. Get a bus, am always pretty scared on bus routes I don't know. Find the Post Office, get money, pay most bills (except one where they would have charged £1.65 to pay a bill of £3.75). Wait for bus to get back into town. A bus that isn't going my way comes and pulls in, while a woman in a car pulls out, there is an awful crunching noise. I check the woman is ok, but judging by the yelling when she and the bus driver come face to face, I think she is fine (but angry). He apologised and took responsibility (although I wasn't sure it was entirely his fault), a woman comes out of her house to see what is happening, and I am glad to see that the bus I do want comes.

Back into town, crossing a road (with the green man, of course), almost get flattened by an idiot taxi driver speeding through a red light. Man from behind runs to check I'm ok and rather understates, 'that was close'. Yes it was.

Shop, food, bus, home. Phew. Not at all as it was supposed to be.

If you want to pretend, albeit briefly, that the world is not as disastrously awful as it actually is, why not listen to George Bush singing 'Imagine'?

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Friday, July 29, 2005

Billionaires, Bigots, and more decline of a Bastard.

Usually when I'm in town, or any old shop really, I have a look at the various newspaper headlines and front pages. There are usually some containing, or conveying extremely racist, bigoted or misogynist shite, from the usual suspects.

But then I saw this one. The Daily Express gave us Bombers Are All Spongeing Asylum Seekers.

I was kind of dumbstruck with disbelief, horror, and vague amusement. What on earth?! (And in any case, wisdom seems united that there is no e in the word - it is sponging, not spongeing).

Great news this evening that the man who has brought himself to my attention for absolutely deserved slating, mocking and hatred - otherwise known as (when I'm being polite) Kilroy, has resigned from the leadership of his own party!

Oh yes, Veritas (the party for the vain and crass) is even more of a failure than was already obvious. Ha. The Guardian, amongst others, gives us the full and frank humiliation.

In possibly even stranger news, JK Rowling is now the UK's most powerful woman. She has overtaken Cherie Booth (whose husband is the Prime Minister... sounds so much better than the PM's wife!). In the latest list of the world's 100 top women compiled by the U.S. business magazine Forbes, Mrs Harry Potter comes 40th, Cherie B has slipped to 62nd, and Queenie comes a mere 75th. Mary McAleese (Irish President) is 21st, and the overall most powerful woman in the world is Condoleezza Rice. Hmmm. Others near the top are Oprah, and Bill Gates's wife Melinda (or should I say Melinda, whose husband is Bill Gates).

All of that led me, quite unexpectedly, to a 2005 list of billionaires. A rather ridiculous number are from the US, and certain European countries come up again and again. And it's not just because it's easier to be a billionnaire in America than in the UK (because $billion is quite a lot less than £billion), because the total wealth of each individual on this list is listed in dollars, for whatever reason.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Freedom To...

Ha! Freedom Finance wrote to me again (or Subvertising is fun).

Am I sure I don't want a homeowner loan?

"Brighten up your summer with a severe credit problem like this".

"If you think finance is freedom, we would definitely recommend seeking help"

Back of envelope - Warnings of risk, and examples of loan repayment amounts - "£25,000 x 300 months @ £218.70 per month - total amount payable £65,610.00".. Seriously.

Well, it's all in their own words. I may have mixed a couple up, but it's truthful now at least.

See also the original freedom finance subvertised junk mail.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Justifiable Homicide?

Yesterday on the news I heard a man talk of his experience that morning of witnessing a man being shot dead on a tube train by plain clothes police officers.

He talked of a man running from three men, looking like a cornered rabbit. Then the men, who the eye witness presumed to be undercover cops, pushed him to the floor on the underground train and discharged 5 shots into him. He died.

He was a young Asian man and he was wearing a padded jacket which seemed inappropriate for the warm weather. Apparently he had come out of a house which was under police surveillance. Maybe the police thought he was about to blow up the tube train there and then? But if so - if he was carrying or wearing explosives - was pushing him over and shooting him the best idea? Will those things not be likely to ignite any explosives?

The implication was that he was one of the people who had tried unsuccessfully to blow up more people on the tubes and bus the day before. The police killed him. To prevent further death?? I don't know.

The people in that carriage of the tube train were, by all accounts, very traumatised at having witnessed a shooting at such proximity. Understandably.

(When I lived in France, I never got used to the police carrying guns around on their daily business. Each time I saw a copper I would become totally preoccupied by the fact that he had a gun on his belt, and it really, really scared me. I never, ever got used to that. And that was just them carrying them, not using them, and not killing people with them while I watched.)

So I was listening to this man on the radio news, who had witnessed the shooting. The man who had been shot had been wearing a top with New York written across it, and it was suggested that this was a nod to the September 11th attacks. Also he was wearing a padded or thick jacket, which in this weather must have meant there were explosives underneath.

(Really?? Must it have meant that? I want to know just how much these police had to go on when they made the move to kill him.)

But anyway, for many reasons, or for none, they shot him dead. I could kind of understand. If he was about to blow up a whole train, then them killing him and noone else dying is perhaps justifiable.


But no no. It's like death penalty without even a trial. I don't agree with the death penalty ever. Not with any number of jurors, judges, barristers, magistrates involved. So the sentence of death penalty as decided by 3 undercover cops, as a spur of the moment decision, that can't ever be right. It just can't.

(And shooting someone who has explosives on him? Is that really likely to kill him and not detonate the explosives at the same time? Because it seems to me it would be more likely to detonate things. And if so, there is even less justification for the shooting.)

But no, keeping an open mind. They wouldn't have shot him without really, really good reason, good back-up, good safety information, good intentions. I mean, you just can't go shooting someone dead Just In Case, can you?

No, they'd have done something like that only when they had no doubt at all of who they were dealing with, and a clear immediate threat, and that it was the only only way.

UK Police: Man Killed Unrelated to Probe
LONDON (AP) - The man shot and killed on a subway car by London police in front of horrified commuters apparently had nothing to do with this month's bombings on the city's transit system, police said Saturday in expressing their ``regrets.''

So no. No! They were wrong! They shot someone - shot him dead - with no trial or truth. The utter bastards.

Was the evidence against this lad really that he was Asian and wearing a padded jacket?? Lord help us if that was it.

There will be an inquiry. I will be interested to see what it throws up but I doubt we will get anywhere near the truth.

The whole thing was wrong. Scaring commuters, making people witness first hand a man being shot five times in the head and body, and die in front of them. Killing this man for... well, clearly no good reason, because the police have even said as much!

Guns are evil. I am angry and disillusioned. The world I live in is racist and presumptious and just horrible.

But the police are sorry, so that's ok.

(It is just not. Never.)

Friday, July 22, 2005

Budme Veseli!

Long ago, in deepest, darkest December, I wrote about some BBC animations designed to reassure teenagers who were worried they were freaks, in relation to various puberty um, developments. These were Funny Flaps for the girls and Willy Wonky for the boys.

It seems that there are new additions to these, so I am pleased to present, Hairy Mary and First Blood in the girls' series, and Hard Times and Virgin Record for the boys.

They're cute and fun.

Today, I came across a random miniature book sale within Sheffield Co-op. More specifically, it was within the Opticians. It was in aid of Childline and had a random selection of mostly dreadful books, for a very, very tiny amount of money.

Having a love of old cookbooks, I bought Cooking for Compliments for 50p and for 25p I bought a Teach Yourself Czech book. I can't imagine I will ever teach myself Czech but it's nice to have the option on those long, insomniac nights.

And then, for another whopping 50p I found a great book from 1979 called The Women's Directory which is just incredibly fabulous. It seems that in those days there was an awful lot of brilliantly radical stuff going on in Sheffield. The book describes itself as
A self-help guide to every thing women are doing and thinking in Britain today: including Health, Sexuality, The Sex Discrimination Act, Welfare Benefits, Work, Children, Rape, The Women's Movement, Fostering, The Arts.

MIS-FIT - refuses to conform. MIS-FORTUNE - demands equal pay for all women. MIS-JUDGED - demands an end to beauty contests. MIS-LAID - demands free contraception. MIS-GOVERNED - demands liberation. MIS-USED - demands 24 hour free child care centres. MIS-DIRECTED - demands equal opportunities. MIS-QUOTED - demands an unbiased press. MIS-TREATED - demands shared housework.

That was one of the things in that book, and I'm looking forward to having a proper read.

There are lots of Alternative Health Warning stickers you can buy to, um, replace the big shiny warnings on packets of fags. Now you can print your own... some ones here and a whole load more to choose from.

ILGA tell me that two boys were executed publicly in Iran on Tuesday. The article and pictures are so sad.
Under the Iranian penal code, girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 can be hanged

ILGA are suggesting people express their protests to the Iranian Ambassador, at, or Tel: 020 7225 3000; Fax: 020 7589 4440 or by post to:
Iranian Ambassador
Embassy of Iran
16 Prince's Gate
London SW7 1PT
"According to Iranian human rights campaigners, over 4,000 lesbians and gay men have been executed since the Ayatollahs seized power in 1979.

"Altogether, an estimated 100,000 Iranians have been put to death over the last 26 years of clerical rule. The victims include women who have sex outside of marriage and political opponents of the Islamist government.

"Last August, a 16 year old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, was hanged for 'acts incompatible with chastity.'
I also uploaded the story to Indymedia UK.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, Budme Veseli! means Let's be Cheerful in Czech. And, in case you ever need it, proc pises tim spatnym perem? means, Why are you writing with this bad pen? And I leave you with Svezli jste vsechno zito s poli? - Have you brought in all the rye from the fields?

Thursday, July 21, 2005


There may be something else going off in London. Some tube lines closed, Scotland Yard confirming they are dealing with 'a series of incidents', eye witnesses reporting smoke, and a hospital saying it has gone into emergency mode.

'Incidents at three underground stations' according to the radio.

BBC News
Google UK News
Guardian Unlimited
Alert at tube stations
Emergency services are responding to reports of incidents at three London underground stations today, and witnesses reported seeing smoke.
Scotland Yard said they were responding to incidents at Warren Street, Oval and Shepherd's Bush stations on the underground. British Transport police said all of the stations were being evacuated.

A passenger on a tube train about to arrive at Warren Street tube stations said there were reports of an exploding rucksack, the smell of smoke and dozens of panicking passengers running through the train.

"The train was not far short of Warren Street station when suddenly the doors between my carriage and the next one burst open and dozens of passengers started running through," a retired special constable, called Ivan, told Sky News.
Police said the first incident was reported at 12.54pm.

On July 7, two weeks ago today 56 people died when four suicide bombers attacked three tube stations and a bus in the capital. The Metropolitan police have warned of a risk of further attacks

'Incidents' spark Tube evacuation

Emergency services have been called to three Tube stations after "incidents", Scotland Yard said.
Police confirmed they had been called to Warren Street, Oval and Shepherd's Bush stations.

There have been reports of smoke coming from the stations and all three have been evacuated.

The whole of the Northern Line has been suspended, along with the Victoria Line and the Hammersmith and City. There are no reports of any casualties.

A spokesman for London Underground said the nature of the incidents was unknown.

One hospital, near Warren St station, has started its emergency plan.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Colour, texture play. Posted by Picasa

Ants in your Plants.

Matrix Cow is good, spotted on 2 Queens blog, which also has more pics of the flower woman and man.

Sheffield and St Ives have been chosen to represent Britain in the Europe-wide Entente Florale competition. So the woman made of flowers was added this year along with the steel man from last year.
Last summer, the ‘Steel Man’ dominated the Town Hall Square. The 12-foot high living sculpture of a steel worker came complete with crucible and molten steel and attracted many people each day that came to admire the work – and take a photo!

This year the city has gone one better with a new addition in the form of the Buffer Girl, who is shown polishing cutlery on a buffing wheel.

Local company Escafeld Art Metalwork Ltd has designed both structures, which over the coming weeks will be filled with 22 bags of compost and planted with over 7,000 plants by the City Council Nursery team.

Richard Payne, Assistant Area Manager for the Nursery Team, said: “The Steel Man was a huge hit with both young and old last year. This year we decided to introduce the Buffer Girl to highlight the buffer girls’ role in the city’s history.”

Councillor Harry Harpham, Sheffield Council’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Green Spaces, said: “The Steel Man and the Buffer Girl will be one of our crowning attractions in our bid to win European Gold in Entente Florale.

“Both structures show the two sides of Sheffield industrial heritage and the work that was carried out in the steel and cutlery industries. It is a great way to tie in both the heritage of the city’s industrial past and link this to Sheffield being one of the greenest cities in Europe.”

Entente Florale has been running for more than 25 years. Sheffield is one of only two places (along with St Ives), chosen to represent the United Kingdom in the 2005 competition.

In the Towns and Cities category, Sheffield will be up against Baden in Austria, Mako in Hungary, Le Plesis-Robinson in France and Potsdam in Germany amongst others. England’s entrants last year were Harrogate in the town’s category and Darley in the villages category, both winning Gold. It’s a great credit to the region that once again a place in Yorkshire is representing Britain in Entente Florale.


hippie blog formatting has gone annoying. After a bit of playing about I think that the last entry has caused it, as it was fine before then, but since it was posted, the right sidebar has jumped to the bottom of the page.

When this has happened before it has been because either an image is too wide, or because the referrers list gets an entry which has too long a string of characters without spaces.

Neither of these seem to be the case, and given that I can click on other recent entries and when they open with just that entry on the page, the right sidebar is where it should be.

So I've had a good look at the code on the Junk Mail Redistribution entry and can't see what the problem is, so it may be that it's one of those html/blogger oddities and will resolve itself. If it continues to be a problem I will look again.


Is someone's birthday coming up? You know, those people who are impossible to buy for... you never quite know what they already have, or what music they like, or what colour their bathroom is. Well, you can bet that they don't already have a genuine, dead, three-headed ant going for a mere $108.50 (US) on ebay, with 1 day 6 hours left.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Junk Mail ReDistribution.

I hate junk mail, and I get tonnes of it. It seems I can sign up to as many don't send me any junk mail databases, and it just keeps on coming.

In particular, I hate:
1. the massive waste of paper it entails
2. the fact that so many of them are offering me freedom from debt if I would only take out extra debt with them
3. the fact that most of the credit card / loan stuff is even more entirely unethical than most credit card / loans are unethical, in that they are often directly marketed to people who cannot afford it
4. the fact that it just arrives on my doormat and I am obliged to deal with it.

At some point, a year or so ago, when I was feeling particularly annoyed about another trash bag full of mainly junk mail, I thought up a system which I have now honed and perfected. I call it Junk Mail Redistribution, and it goes something like this...

1. I open up an item of junk mail which offers me the world and (crucially) encloses a pre-paid envelope for me to send off my money in. It is, say, a credit card deal from company A.

2. I then open up the next item of junk mail which is company B offering me a loan. It also (crucially) contains a pre-paid envelope.

3. I open up the third item of mail - a plea for funds from a charity.

4. I finally open up the fourth item of junk, which turns out to be a guarantee that I have won at least £100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 on an obscure lottery that I have never heard of, never mind played, if only I will send them £30. Oh look, another pre-paid envelope.

5. I also grab the pile of flyers which came in the last magazine I bought.

And then the fun starts. I figure that company A will want to be made aware of the competitive (if you are mad) rates of company B's loans, so (while removing any identifying features from letters) I put company B's bumph into company A's envelope.

At this stage you can seal it and send it back, but it is more fun to add some of the magazine's flyers (while making sure to remove any... you guessed it... prepaid envelopes or forms within!).

If you are also feeling sympathetic towards the begging charity then I often think it is only fair to send company A's post-opening-assistant one of their leaflets too.

Then you can happily seal company A's envelope, full of all of the above, and stick it in the post, safe in the knowledge that they will have junk mail to deal with, they are paying the postage for it, and you have less to fill up your rubbish bags.

However at this stage you still have all of the info on the amazing credit card deal from company A, which can happily go in company B's freepost envelope, along with any extra charity / lottery junk / scratchcards (to win a tenth of a cruise for 3/8 of a person as long as they pay £8500 towards the insurance) / random bits of anything, ready to be posted - at their expense - back to them.

So, I think you're maybe getting the gist.

I think the lottery people would be glad to receive more charity leaflets, as they are so rich after all, and I did once inform the psychics who so regularly write to me that, being psychic and all, they will know that I can't afford to send them money for a reading, nor do I want one, and if they really do know the lottery numbers then they won't need my dosh anyway.

And of course, any amount of embellishment or creativity on the envelopes / contents / free reply coupons, can only be encouraged. There is the rant on the envelope technique, or the request to the company receiving the stuff to recycle it, or anything that suits really.

I like doing it this way. I don't have access to doorstep recycling collections, and these companies are a lot more likely to, so they surely have a responsibility to recycle the stuff I so nicely request them to.

Also, they send out junk - they should certainly know how it feels to receive it all, whether relevant or (usually) not.

And more still, it must cost direct marketing people £millions to post this stuff out. I figure if it costs them even more to get other people's junk back, they may actually begin to question the logic of the whole process.

And finally, they're bastards and it's all bad! The minor but satisfying feeling of revenge as I stick a few pre-paid envelopes chock-full of their competition's promotional shit really quite makes it all worthwhile :)

So yeah, junk mail redistribution is rewarding, fun, somewhat naughty, and fully deserved.

Or at least that's my view ;)

Well I never...

If each of the UK's 10 million office workers used one fewer staple a day, that could save 120 tonnes of steel a year.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Steel Woman.

Originally uploaded by incurable_hippie.
Last year, about this time, I was very excited about the Steel Man outside Sheffield town hall. This year he has been joined by the Steel Woman.

I love Sheffield in Bloom :)

con·tra·dic·tion: Inconsistency; discrepancy.

Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. - Leviticus 19:28
Oh my, oh my, oh my. I just did that thing that makes the internet the best thing ever in the world. You know, when you click on a link to a new page, then another link from there, then another from there, and you find yourself somewhere you never, ever thought was possible?

I followed a link to awful plastic surgery which led me to click on the link to a tattoo blog, which sounded interesting.

And then, then, they had a link to Religious Tattoos dot net!!!! I was so excited, and with good reason! There are 17 Mary tattoos, 93 Jesus tattoos, 2 of the Last Supper and even 36 of the Holy Spirit!

I was getting all excited and working out who to email the link to when I spotted the ultimate webring... The Christian Tattoo Association. There is a whole Association!!

I'm not quite sure why this has entertained me so much. My status as a Recovering Catholic (it never quite goes away...), admiration for many arty tattoos, and the sheer campness of some of the images, combined with the 'hard'ness of having a tat at all...

I don't know, it seems inherently contradictory, the juxtaposition of picture of Our Lady... permanently inked with a needle in the arm. The juxtaposition of tattoos (cool, rebellious) with religion (not cool, often conforming). And the juxtaposition of me going Cool, tats and Yikes, a crucifix.
Leviticus 11:6-7 - The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.

Leviticus 11:10-12 - But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales - whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water - you are to detest. And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.

Leviticus 19:19 - Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

Leviticus 19:27 - Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.

Leviticus 19:28 - Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

Leviticus 21:5 - Priests must not shave their heads or shave off the edges of their beards or cut their bodies.